This project was our client’s showcase development at Ampress Park in Lymington. It features high performance tinted glass to reduce the heat gain to the building, helping to keep it cool in the summer whilst also giving great aesthetics externally.
This project utilized sliding double automatic doors to the main entrance and an automatic swing door to the rear entrance.
The building also required fire rated windows for a certain percentage of the glazing in order to comply with regulations. We also supplied and installed the louvre walling system to the plant room.
Our design made for a smart and stylish finish for a very modern building.
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REIDglazing Solutions:
From design, through manufacture, to on site installation, our glazing specialists can handle any aspect of your project, large or small, residential, commercial or industrial - in the UK, Europe or anywhere else in the world. In fact our buildings and glazing products have shipped to over 140 countries around the world, including some of the most remote and harsh environments on the planet.
Your next call should be Reidglazing on +44 (0) 1202 483333